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B2B Rocks Paris 2019: Åsa Nyström’s insights

B2B Rocks Paris 2019: Åsa Nyström’s insights

Par Maëlys De Santis

Mis à jour le 28 septembre 2020, publié initialement le 30 août 2019

Åsa Nyström, VP Customer at Buffer, is sharing her insights on B2B Rocks and the importance of customer support.

She will be speaking at the conference How to streamline your customer service process to gain in velocity.

About Åsa Nyström

Åsa is the VP of Customer Advocacy at Buffer, a social media marketing platform that helps people build their businesses using social media. An active part of creating Buffer’s vision, Åsa is passionate about incorporating flexibility, inclusivity, and equality into the workplace of the future. 

Can you introduce yourself briefly? What is your role at Buffer?

Åsa Nyström: 
I’m the VP of Customer Advocacy at Buffer and have been at the company for over 6 years now. I’m passionate about customer service, inclusivity, remote work and people!

What does this event mean for entrepreneurs in the B2B sector?

Åsa Nyström:
I think it’s a great opportunity to have an event like b2b rocks that helps entrepreneurs connect with others in the same industry and also learn from inspiring panels. 

How can a good customer service help businesses grow?

Åsa Nyström:

Customer service has a leading role in successful SaaS companies and has always been a super important piece of what we do at Buffer. Customer service done well can impact customer retention and acquisition, as well as increases expansion revenue.

What would you say are the main challenges in terms of customer service for SaaS companies?

Åsa Nyström:
Scaling customer service can be challenging as you need to think of ways to automate certain pieces, educational material in a help centre, become more data driven etc. You can’t always keep hiring to provide better service as your customer base grow!

What is Buffer’s highlight in 2019?

Åsa Nyström:
We recently launched our analytics product, Analyze, to complete our multi-product solution!

[Video] Interview @ B2B Rocks Paris 2019

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Ma��lys De Santis

Maëlys De Santis, Growth Managing Editor, Appvizer

Maëlys De Santis, Growth Managing Editor, a débuté chez Appvizer en 2017 en tant que Copywriter & Content Manager. Sa carrière chez Appvizer se distingue par son expertise approfondie en stratégie et marketing de contenu, ainsi qu'en optimisation SEO. Titulaire d'un Master en Communication Interculturelle et Traduction de l'ISIT, Maëlys a également étudié les langues et l'anglais à l'University of Surrey. Maëlys a partagé son expertise dans des publications telles que Le Point et Digital CMO. Elle contribue à l'organisation de l'événement SaaS mondial, B2B Rocks, où elle a participé à la keynote d'ouverture en 2023 et 2024.

Une anecdote sur Maëlys ? Elle a une passion (pas si) secrète pour les chaussettes fantaisie, Noël, la pâtisserie et son chat Gary. 🐈‍⬛