B2B Rocks Paris 2019: Kim Walsh’s insights

Kim Walsh, VP Startups at Hubspot, shares her insights on B2B Rocks and gives you the key to smooth out relations between sales and marketing teams.
She will be speaking at the conference How to align B2B Sales and marketing for good?
About Kim Walsh
Kim serves as Global VP, HubSpot for Startups, a business designed to help startups grow and scale. She was formerly the Head of Enterprise Sales, West Coast for HubSpot in Cambridge, MA. As head of sales, Kim launched the GTM strategy, built the operating model and expanded the team, globally. Kim has an MBA from Babson College and was a finalist in the MIT 100K business challenge.
Can you introduce yourself briefly? What is your role at Hubspot?
Kim Walsh:
My role is VP of Startups and growth partnerships. This means I run our GTM engine for anything that touches startups, our partners and entrepreneurs. It’s a fun gig!
What does this event mean for entrepreneurs in the B2B sector?
Kim Walsh:
Any time events can help entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses it's probably a great use of time. Startups and Entrepreneurs are starved for time, so these events need to be action oriented and worth their time which this event should do for them!
What usually prevents Sales and Marketing to work smoothly together?
Kim Walsh:
Sales and marketing are working better together today then they have in the past. I’m an optimist :) Typically if sales and marketing are misaligned it means that they don’t feel connected as one cohesive unit on the go-to-market strategy. Marketing and sales and arguably product should be aligned with the go to market strategy and solving for the customer - this is key to working smoothly together in today’s world.
What is the one thing you would say is key to develop a synergy between Sales and Marketing?
Kim Walsh:
Again, both the operating model, cadence and collaboration as one GTM motion and team is key. So many times, we see marketing and sales sitting in meetings as silo’s working on each of their own GTM strategies, they should be connected to each other and if you can connect them with each other, it will feel like one cohesive unit and team.
What is Hubspot’s highlight in 2019?
Kim Walsh:
HubSpot’s highlight so far in 2019 is that we just launched FREEFORALL that means we brought email sends (up to 2,000) into our free CRM - it should be so meaningful to all startups, nonprofits and entrepreneurs out there! Exciting.
[Video] Interview @ B2B Rocks Paris 2019
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Maëlys De Santis, Growth Managing Editor, a débuté chez Appvizer en 2017 en tant que Copywriter & Content Manager. Sa carrière chez Appvizer se distingue par son expertise approfondie en stratégie et marketing de contenu, ainsi qu'en optimisation SEO. Titulaire d'un Master en Communication Interculturelle et Traduction de l'ISIT, Maëlys a également étudié les langues et l'anglais à l'University of Surrey. Maëlys a partagé son expertise dans des publications telles que Le Point et Digital CMO. Elle contribue à l'organisation de l'événement SaaS mondial, B2B Rocks, où elle a participé à la keynote d'ouverture en 2023 et 2024.
Une anecdote sur Maëlys ? Elle a une passion (pas si) secrète pour les chaussettes fantaisie, Noël, la pâtisserie et son chat Gary. 🐈⬛